Trina screams a warning to Bertold, knowing in her heart that it will come too late to protect her dear friend. As her Bo stick comes up into an attack position, she swears to Tyria that this foul and cowardly deed will not go unpunished. But her first strike, a simple upward jab meant to catch the now moving figure under the ribcage and drive the air from his lungs, misses as the figure seems to float over and around the stick in a graceful half-dive, half-roll. Instinctively she changes directions o n the blow, driving the other end of the weapon up and around in a tight loop meant to catch the assailent as soon as their feet hit the floor. But though her intensely trained senses indicate the figure should be right where she aimed, she can tell that all her blow has hit is the cloak or cape the murderer was wearing. Spinning, she sees something so shocking it stops her dead in her tracks.

Dirk, his elven enhanced senses enhanced even farther by the masses of adrenaline flowing through his body, senses more than sees the attack from below him. Modifying his leap a bit, he goes up and over the swing, having to almost jackknife his body at the last instance to keep from being caught by the blow. However, this maneuver will leave him far short of where he wanted to be originally. "Damn that woman, doesn't she realize I'm helping?" flashing irritably through his mind as he lands and immediately goes into a roll to cross the distance between where he landed and the doorway area he needs to be at. He again thank s his luck as he feels a second blow whistle slightly above his back, tugging a bit at his flapping cloak. Rolling to a tight kneeling stop, Dirk quickly determines the first pirate (as pirate he must be) wouldn't be needing any more tending to. However, as he spins on his heels towards the door, two brand new and equally deadly situations immediately catch his attention.

Trina quickly recovers from her shock at seeing Bertold alive and unharmed, staring at an obviously dead body at his feet. She watches, a s if in slow motion, the attacker (defender?) pivot towards the door, as Bertold raises his mace in an obviously menacing position. Her hearing finally kicks in as she hears Arak softly chanting some type of spell behind and to her left. She is the only o ne of her group that seems to know what is going on, and she can't make herself speak! And now the unknown person was raising a weapon towards Bertold!

Dirk's mind races as he tries to sort out the situation and act at the same time. He rolls slightly forward and to the left, moving under the fairly clumsy attack of the cleric. At the end of the roll, using the momentum of the roll to drive the weapons harder, he lets fly both knives he was holding, driving both into the throat of the second pirate just edging through the door with a loaded crossbow. He watches the crossbow go off into the ceiling just as he feels a massive, fiery pain in his back. His last thought as he slumped into unconcious is "how did that crossbow bolt hit me?"

Trina, st ill unable to bring herself to act, watches it all happen. She sees the stranger easily roll under Bertold's blow and throw two more knives into a figure her eye is only now drawn to coming through the door. As this new addition to an already confusing si tuation stumbles in, obviously mortally wounded and firing his crossbow into the ceiling, she sees and hears Arak finish his spell and she watches in horror as 4 flaming darts drive into the back of their unknown protector.


Salvatore is the kind of writer I can only desperately aspire to be like. This is one of his greatest trilogies. Check it out today!